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Sunday 23 June 2013

Allah has power over all things


This time i don't feel like to talk too much.Malam tadi malam nisfu sya'ban.
Ramai lah yang tweet bulan terang,lawa.Jadi aku tertanya-tanya 'waktu maghrib tu aku keluar bulan tak terang pun,mungkin faktor jerebu'.
Sampaikan someone has tweet one thing memang buat den tergelak.
Semua ramai ramai cakap pasal bulan terang,seseorang yang aku kata tadi tu pun tweet.

'' Seperti bulan dipagari bintang "
maksud : seseorang gadis cantik yang dikelilingi oleg gadis gadis cantik yang lain.

Semua ciptaan Dia cantik cantik belaka,seperti bulan yang saya tangkap malam tadi.
Enjoy !! Sorry for the camera quality

Dan matahari pagi ni sangat lawa.


Surah Al-Mulk 67:3,4

He who has created the seven heavens one above another.You cannot see any defect in the creation of the Most gracious;therefore look once more,do yo see any crack? (3)

And look again and again, it will come back to you defeated and fatigued. (4)


Dayang Deno said...

cantik! :)

p/s: akak folo sini.. thanks folo akak:)

Hazi Nellwessly said...

dah follow ^^ thanks for reading mine ENTRY :D